My Vegan MoFo Pick of the Day: triple chocolate cupcakes by Allyson Kramer

Oh… these.  THESE. Triple Chocolate Cupcakes by Allyson Kramer Whew and gracious me (waving my hand held fan extra fast)!  Ms. Kramer, how you make life so very worth it all.  Also, and I have to say… the lemon blondies from yesterday?!?!?!  Killing me.  Killing IT.

News: It’s The Vegan Month of Food 2014 (Vegan MoFo)!!

I’m so incredibly excited to remind everyone that this month, vegan blogs across the sphere are participating in a mega, month long, blogathon of yummy vegan goodness (and some badness… the best kind of badness): I’m sad to say that I won’t be participating, this year (fingers crossed for next year).*  But, I implore you: go…