Newsworthy: Californians Toast to Eco-Friendlier Wines on LA Confidential

Californians Toast to Eco-Friendlier Wines By Eric Rosen Wine is made from grapes so it must be vegan, right? Wrong. You don’t have to be a wine geek to know that certain wines, especially whites, are clarified—through a process called fining—to improve their clarity and remove protein, yeast, and other particles that might affect the…

Belated Solstice and Happy Holidays

May this change of season and of our calendar mark your own welcomed  transformation. Please have a safe and wonderful holiday season.   *Image courtesy of phanlop88 /

Newsworthy: 4 fake food products drawing venture capital by Melissa Breyer on MNN

 4 fake food products drawing venture capital By Melissa Breyer for Mother Nature Network Mon, Dec 09 2013 at 2:44 PM “Don’t eat anything your great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food,” writes food enthusiast and intellectual Michael Pollan in “Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual.” Would great-grandma recognize faux meat made in the lab as something edible? With news that…

Marinaded and Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Ok… so, everyone loves brussels sprouts now that they are available fresh in bags or on a stalk.  Let me come out right now and say I’m old school sprouts–loved them since I was a kid and I pretended that I was a giant eating an entire head of cabbage at a time!  Fee Fi…

Virtual Vegan Potluck Awards!! Yay Beets!

I was SO INCREDIBLY surprised and happy to see that my Festive Root Veggie Hash won an award from VVP for use of the featured ingredient:  beets.  Thanks, again, to Annie from An Unrefined Vegan, who began and organized all of the VVP, created this great movie of the winners (see below), and encouraged me…